Saturday, April 2, 2011


1: The difference between Landscape and Earthwork in your experience creating
the pictures and in the image(s) themselves.

While this photo was taken during our Earthworks shoot, it was not our intended idea to shoot this.  I simply suggested to the other members in thr group "Hey, it would be really funny to get a photo of Mitchell doing a handstand through the ground glass of my old camera!"  Through a little coaxing, Mitchell oblidged.

2: What do the pictures reveal about your relationship to Nature/Creation?

My thought with this peice is that humanity is pushing away nature but nature is too vast and powerful to just shrink back, it even fights against us.  Mitchell, in this case, would be Atlas who is trying to hold up the globe but it's just too large for him to accomplish his goal.

3: An Art Historical example that talks to the image(s) that you made.
Heracles and Atlas, on a vase by the "Athena Painter",
c. 490-480 BC (National Archeological Museum, Athens)

In this ancient pottery painting, Hercules is seen holding the boxy "vault of the sky" atop his shoulders while Atlas has fetched apples which grow in Hera's garden, tended by Atlas' daughters, the Hesperides.  Perhaps Mitchel should be seen as filling the role of Hercules as his legs flailing about convey a sense of unaccustomed suprise at the "weight" of the earth.

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